Netwerk Muziekdocenten Pabo:
‘Dutch Association of Music Education Lecturars’
Welcome to NMP’s website! The Netwerk Muziekdocenten Pabo is a dutch assocation that seeks to celebrate the diverse ways that people engage with, and develop in and through, music in education. Founded in 1989, NMP represents a Dutch network of professionals who strive to understand and promote music learning across teachers trainers. We share a commitment to culture, education, conservation and the durable development of our cultural heritage and practice. The Netwerk Muziekdocenten Pabo can be translated as ‘Dutch Assocation of Music Education Lecturars.’
University of Applied Sciences
We are lecturars of music education at the Pabo University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. After completing successfully the Pabo University of Applied Sciences, the student receives a bachelor’s degree in primary education and are qualified to work with children from the ages of 4 till 12. Part of this work is teaching music in education.
The activity of the NMP is integrated into a network of initiatives, associations and projects related to music education in The Netherlands. The NMP is standing for an active exchange and dialogue of music education since 1989 and it is based on respect for the diversity and difference in music and cultural traditions.
The NMP is responsible for the music lecturars that teache at music in education at the music teacher training courses. It involves a broad musical and music teaching basic commandments, both productive and reproductive, as in receptive and reflective area. From this base, the student can continue with their own musical development. To ensure that students are able to give their own experiences in primary school in music a good place: a good voice and hearing development is essential. Moreover, they are encouraged themselves (individually and together) to make music. In addition to these musical development, attention is also paid to such an attitude of students that they can put in a broader perspective.
If you want to know more about our association. Please, feel free to contact us.